“Color is the place where our brain meets the universe.”
In spring of last year I decided to take a chance on myself and totally invest in becoming a full time self employed artist. My biggest job this year was not making art, it was learning to strengthen my faith in myself. I have spent this year learning how to have faith in myself and be in the moment feeling overwhelmingly grateful that I get to dedicate my energy to the creativity and art work that gives me life. I get to do work that makes me think and reflect and share my mind, heart and soul.
I used to be one of those people that got sick all of the time. I was so hard on myself. I tried to fit the mold of what success was *supposed* look like all the while doing my damnedest to protect my rebel spirit from conformity. I burned myself out repeatedly.
Finally, I made the choice to believe that I have the ability to give myself the chance I was looking for. Since I made that choice, I have not gotten sick once. My feelings of doubt and insecurity no longer oppress me. They still exist, but, I can live with them productively. I've found a sense of balance that I did not know existed.
What have I learned? Success is a state of mind. It doesn't come from the things we amass, or the recognition from others. Success comes from being in the moment long enough to realize the many ways you're already living your dream.
Growth comes from your ability to challenge the limitations of your own perspective. Change happens when those limitations reveal themselves as habits. Those habits are part of the narrative we tell ourselves. If you change your narrative, you change your habits. If you change your habits, you free yourself from limitations.
Dream big, friends, and stay grateful for the dream you're already living. Your narrative is a creative process, express the things you want to see.
The images below are a gallery of artworks marked down for my HOLIDAY SALE.